There is, I think, a growing awareness that working on your body’s alignment or general posture can have many benefits on both body and mind. Stressful situations can be neutralised when you think of how you are holding your body (and often your breath), painful conditions can be eased by looking at postural habits and working to change them, and swimming techniques can be improved just by learning to be mindful of your alignment in the water.
I will work with you one-to-one on land or in the pool according to your needs and aims. It will not usually be a quick fix, but the benefits of those lessons can last a lifetime.
Check out my Classes page to find out more about sessions with me.
My background and qualifications
About 30 years ago, when I was still in my 20s I first came across, what I call, ‘a method of being’, called the Alexander Technique (AT). I was impressed by a friend’s poise and confidence and learned that it came from AT. I soon became an enthusiast: my AT lessons improved my posture immeasurably, I grew about an inch, and became much more balanced.
In 2011 I qualified as an Alexander Technique teacher and shortly afterwards trained as a Shaw Method of swimming teacher with Steven Shaw, transferring those AT principles to the water.
Find out more
The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique | Shaw Method explained by Steven Shaw